Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Every Reality Is a Fiction, the Player Essay

Our world consists of many realties. Two being commercial, and the other, artistic. A commercial reality is one limiting risk, and predictability, always aiming to suit those who yearn for it. Artistic reality however, breaks rules, and has social merit. This means there are many possible outcomes. One could be saddened or depressed by the reality, and others, joyful. It is because of this uncertainty in artistic realities that the film industry, as well as many other industries, have taken it upon themselves to glorify the truth. It is because of their coexistence that causes them to clash. The statement that every reality is fictitious, is rather bold however. Although in numbers, there are a few people who hold very strong moral and have a sense of quality in what they do. The Hollywood film industry is mainly commercial. Offering little or no interest in writers work that consists depth. This reality consumes those considered â€Å"naive† to the industry. Commercial realities are realities that are created by people who want to escape their own and subconsciously create a reality that is deemed impossible to the â€Å"real† world. Commercial realities are attractive to most, because you can experience something otherwise unimaginable. This is known as a reality lacking artistic merit. It is us, the audience of massive Hollywood productions, that show true appreciation of films made by producers who show no other interest than creating fictional nonsense and profiting from it. Hollywood creates commercially successful films without artistic merit, and those that have this merit are difficult to come by. Movies such as Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Ernest Lehmen, and Boys Don’t Cry by Kimberly Peirce pose a social function, and â€Å"break the rules† of The Film Industry. The film making industry is created by artificial characters living paranormal lives that we aspire to have. However, who can jump from a 4 story building and land on the ground with no injury? Who can be stabbed and instantly heeled by only a bandage and continue battling the world with heroic attributes and a vision to sustain â€Å"humanity as we know it†? Commercial realities are fictitious, stick to a strict formula, and leave us dreaming of a better life. The American Film Industry however, would argue that without these commercially rich movies, there will be no economic growth without the return or investment they provide. A contrasting reality to those of commercial is that of artistic. This reality has deeper meaning to it, and value. Artistic reality may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic challenging elements. Artistic reality is better known as ‘realism. ’ â€Å"Realism revolted against the exotic subject matter and exaggerated emotionalism and drama of the Romantic Movement. Instead it sought to portray real and typical contemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy, and not avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of life. † – Sourced from Wikipedia’s â€Å"Realism (art)†. Artistic realities reveal the truth, which means they may emphasize the ugly or despicable. Artists use their work as a form of expressionism, which is open to interpretation. Their oeuvre breaks the rules, as they see the ordinary, and can create new pieces that challenge the mind and provide social merit. Many people attempt to depict things accurately, from either a visual, social or emotional perspective. Theatre Realism shares many stylistic choices with naturalism, including a focus on every day (middle-class) drama, colloquial speech, and mundane settings. Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favour of a close observation of outward appearances. Often artistic realities can be labelled as fictitious. This is due to the majority of society being so involved in consumerism, that they can no longer differentiate from commercial being formulated, and artistic as challenging. Commercial realities enhance the breeding of money. Commercial values manipulate the very anatomy of a natural, mundane reality. â€Å"Commercially precious films of ‘reality’ have become the organ grinder’s monkeys of money. † They are made to increase the generative value and staying in power of money, the power of money to breed money, to fertilize itself. They are not made to empower people and provide certain value. Artistic reality however, leaves no stone unturned. Realism sees little value in money, and it sees no reciprocal material possession that could be exchanged for money. Artistic realities merely capture that which is tangible and accurate. Society may attempt to defend themselves by escaping this as it may be deeply depressing. It is the confusion of distinguishing between commercial and artistic realities that ultimately reduces both to nothing but fictitious mumbo jumbo that controls our lives. The difference between the two is huge, however difficult for ‘commoners’, or those not involved in the film industry, to interpret. Whether an individual comprises their lives of commercial or realistic values, these values can be labelled as fabricated or factual. The film industry’s repackaging and misrepresentation of the truth to suit themselves, is entirely profitable. This profitability is their ultimate ruling guideline. If a film does not provide profits, the film was a total failure, regardless of its social merit. Artistic realities are open to interpretation and provide a bit of freedom for people to choose the outcomes of scenarios. Painters, writers, film makers and news reporters are some of the main people involved in the way reality is interpreted because they are their own masters, and creators. Every one watches them, reads their papers or interperates their work. It is important for people to recognise that regardless of the message that is trying to be brought across, that reality is subjective, and hence, it may appear fictitious to anyone apart from their maker. Commercial or artistic.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hunting by Kristina Kilbourne Essay

The culture being explored in the essay â€Å"Hunting† by Kristina Kilbourne is one regarding hunting and changes in its overall perception by the public throughout the past two centuries. The narrative also explores the benefits and costs to society of promoting the hunting culture in modern-day America. No explicit and concise definition of hunting and the culture is provided. However, the entire introduction does provide a clear and detailed explanation of the players involved in the hunting culture as well as where, why, and to what extent such a culture exists in the United States. The stereotypes concerning hunting presented in the passage depict it as an inhumane practice that does not consider the environment. However, the writer also points out a growing media understanding of the population and ecological benefits that hunting presents for the environment. She uses examples from published population demographics concerning the animals most hunted, and demonstrates how hunters contribute to wildlife preservation through activism and contribution of taxes. Kilbourne describes the history and values of the hunting culture by providing information concerning the historical population trends that show hunting as important in population control. She also shows hunters’ values by pointing out their dedication to preserving the populations of the animals they hunt. To substantiate this, the author uses real-life examples of hunters she knows and demonstrates their attention to hunting population trends. In providing research evidence for exploring the stereotype, Kilbourne hints at scientific evidence concerning the necessity of hunting in preventing animal populations from getting too large to be sustained within the environment. However, had this evidence been more explicitly presented and explained, the argument would have been stronger. Other evidence presented includes testimonials from the author’s husband who is a hunter. While this anecdotal information was of some value, the fact that this took up half the essay reduces its overall impact. The reason for this is that such information may be biased, since it comes from a source that is a close relative of the author. Furthermore, the overuse of this source had the effect of reducing the variability of the sources within the paper. The format of the paper is adequate as far as in-text citations go. Since the sources were taken mainly from the internet, one understands why no page numbers were provided. The author might have considered providing paragraph numbers, however, as well as providing the URL’s for the sources on the works cited page. For the first two paragraphs, Kilbourne does provide lead-in and topic sentences. However, no topic sentences are provided for the last three paragraphs. The writer does provide direct quotes as well as paraphrasing of the sources. Most of the works cited sources do match the in-text citations, though in one instance the Ohio citation would have been better replaced with the author (Myers’) last name.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Compare and contrast the 3 basic biology position of the 3 Essay

Compare and contrast the 3 basic biology position of the 3 philosophers Darwin, Dembski and Behe - Essay Example He is an American analytic philosopher who wrote a number of books about intelligent design such as The Design Inference, Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology, and the Design Revolution. This concept of intelligent designed promoted by Dembski involves an argument that an overarching intelligence is responsible for the complexity of life that can be detected empirically. His concept of intelligent design is seen by the scientific community as a modern form of creationism, drawn from a traditional Christian set of religious belief attempting to portray itself as a science. . Michael Behe is also an advocate of intelligent design. He is an American biochemist and best known for his argument for irreducible complexity. According to him, some biochemical structures are too complex to be sufficiently explained by known evolutionary mechanisms and thus more of a result of intelligent design. However, his claims about the irreducible complexity of essential cellular s tructures have been discarded by enormous majority of the scientific community. The Theories Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is called natural selection. The theory stated that different species began from shared ancestors. Adaptations to different environments caused the differences in the organisms. The environment will determine which of the species are best fit to live and the traits of these organisms are passed down to new generations. New species are created out these traits. Decades of studies and observations led to the development of this theory. Intelligent Design is the negative argument of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. According to this theory, the forces of nature or something else are not sufficient to result to aspects of life or species. There must be an existing intelligent designer. According to this theory, the intelligent designer brought life and the natural selection have nothing to do with the appearance of the organisms we find today. Acco rding to William Dembski (1998), intelligent design can be formulated as a scientific theory having empirical consequences and devoid of religious commitments. The intelligent design can be discharged as a theory of information. According to him, information is not reducible to natural causes but best sought in intelligent causes (Dembski, 1998). Thus, intelligent design becomes a theory for detecting and measuring information, explaining its origin and tracing its flow (Demski, 1998). Michael Behe on the other hand wrote in his book Darwin’s Black Box that many biological systems are â€Å"irreducibly complex.† According to him, in order for these biological systems to evolve, multiple systems would have to arise simultaneously (Robison, 1996). Behe claims that these systems exist in Biology and the existence of â€Å"irreducible complexity† argues for an intelligent designer. The basic premise of the book is that  "Biochemistry has pushed Darwin's theory to the limit.   It has done so by opening the ultimate black box, the cell, thereby making possible our understanding of how life works† (Ussery, 2010). As Behe claims, life is so complicated, that it must have been created by divine intelligence, or at any rate gradual evolution could not possibly have created such complex systems (Ussery, 2010). Evolution vs. Intelligent Design Creationism and evolution have frequently competed since Darwin first proposed his theories of evolution and natural selection in his book

Sunday, July 28, 2019

France Debates Its Identity, but Some Ask Why Essay

France Debates Its Identity, but Some Ask Why - Essay Example Although Éric Besson’s ministry seems to connect with debate, he denies any connection between immigration and the debate. On the other hand, Jean-Luc MÃ ©lenchon writes that to be French is to have a French identity card and the rights that go with it. Additionally, French Muslims just like the Arabs react to the debate with resentment claiming discrimination to the French identity. More so, Yazid Sabeg, an Algerian-born businessman, says the French nation is more unified and that the organic sense of being French does exist. Additionally, Mr. Besson argues that Franco-French does not exist and that there is no race. He says that only a shared set of values that include liberty, equality, fraternity, and secularism exist in France (Erlanger Web). There seems to be immense concern on the France identity as portrayed by various French leaders. As such, I think the debate about French identity is worth discussing. I feel that this debate will clearly define the France identity and remove the dark thoughts of discrimination on race and religion. I also feel that very few people in the world understand secularism in the French

Biological Roots of Criminal Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Biological Roots of Criminal Behavior - Essay Example Biological roots of criminal behavior lost much of its ground during the Second World War, largely discredited by Nazi Germany’s eugenics and the discriminatory treatment of ethnic groups and races that were determined to be predisposed to deviance and thus mercilessly removed from society (Rafter, 2009). However, during the latter part of the 20th century, biological explanations of criminal behavior have been making a comeback (Rafter, 2009). Biological explanations of criminal behavior have been largely influenced by investments in genetic studies are developing impressively and threatening to â€Å"break the monopoly† of sociological explanations (Rafter, 2010, p. 199). The emphasis on genetics was spurred by a determination to understand, predict and prevent â€Å"harms of all types† from â€Å"cancer to terrorism to criminality† (Rafter, 2009, p. 199). The renewed interest in biocriminology has resulted in a number of theoretical assumptions. For ins tance, Robinson et al (2008) identified the progress made in scientific understandings of the connection between genes, the human brain and corresponding social conduct. According to Robinson et al (2008), the link is explained by reference to â€Å"two key vectors of influence† (p. 896). ... According to McInerney (1999) even if it were possible to explain social behavior by virtue of gene functioning and gene expression, environmental influences have a significant influence on factors that give way to criminal behavior. These factors are self-control, motives and any number of factors that function independent of an individual’s genetic make-up (McInerney, 1999). Human behavior is therefore a complex area of study and the factors contributing to criminal behavior are many. There is no single biological factor, nor is there a single environmental factor that causes criminal behavior. The most reasonable conclusion is that there are number of biological factors that interact with a number of environmental and social factors that lead to criminal behavior (Hamer, 2002). Hagan (2011) therefore suggested that biological theories of criminal behavior â€Å"will never replace social etiology† (p. 140). What we are left with is determining the â€Å"psychological , biological, and sociological factors† and how they â€Å"interact to produce crime and delinquency† (Hagan, 2011, p. 140). Mainstream criminologists are slow to embrace the concept of biological factors as appropriate explanations of criminal behavior. Perceptions among mainstream criminologists are that accepting biological explanations of criminal behavior is regressive. Biocriminology requires going back to antiquated ideals of the natural born criminal and accepting that criminal behavior is somehow sick rather than criminal. Thus one is expected to ignore the reality that crime is essentially a conflict between law and behavior and as such can be corrected by rehabilitation and/or punishment (Hagan, 2011). During the Victorian Era, scientific

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research J 5.4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research J 5.4 - Essay Example The attributes of these variables are exhaustive and mutually exclusive and is the weakest level of measurement. The elements are not assumed that one is greater than the other. In criminal justice, nominal measure has limited knowledge. For example, when determining whether an offender is driven to crime by lifestyle or place they were brought up (Bayens & Roberson, 2010). Ordinal measurements variables are ranked in a particular order. Examples include occupation of persons, level of crime and police opinion. Ordinal measure satisfies the exclusiveness and exhaustiveness requirements. For example, we can group criminals according to arrests types made. Muggers, car thefts, house break-ins and murderers can be in different groups. These ranking of events give a representation of an ordinal order. It is irrelevant where the arrest was made, whether miles away or in proximity (Maxfield & Babbie, 2012). Interval measure assumes that categories are different and can be ranked and ordered. The distance between the numbers from one to another have some meaning. For example, a criminal with ten arrests and another with two arrests, the interval measure between the criminals, we can conclude that the first criminal has a more serious crime record than the second one. Ratio scale gives the highest scale of measurement. The categories must be rank ordered and different. The variable categories must be capable of being compared by the use of ratios with other categories. These variables must have meaning of the distance between categories. For example, if an offender is arrested four times in a given period and another twice in the same period, the latter is arrested twice as many times as the former (Hagan, 2013). The reason I would prefer ratio scale to other levels of measurement is that, it carries more information. It is used in comparison with another range of categories of numbers or ratios. Most researchers use ratio scale in reporting and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gerardus Mercator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gerardus Mercator - Essay Example As stated by the author (Van Cauwenberghe, C., 2005), Gerardus Mercator's personal self-governing map-making only started when he created a map of Palestine in 1537 and this was pursued by an additional map of the world in 1538 and a map of Flanders in 1540. In 1541, Mercator made a globe of chips of wood, wrapped with linen and plaster. On top of it he stuck twelve parts of paper which was colored by him. Throughout this stage, he learned Italic handwriting as it was the most appropriate kind of handwriting for copper engraving of maps. He wrote down his first tutoring book of Italic handwriting which was published in northern Europe. (Van Cauwenberghe, C., 2005). In 1544, Mercator was accused with unorthodoxy due to his kindness for Protestant thinking and doubts about his regular travels. He was in prison for seven months before the blames were plunged, perhaps because of interference from the university authorities. However, in 1552, he went towards Duisburg, one of the main cities in the German Duchy of Cleves. He opened a cartographic workshop, where he finished a six-panel map of Europe in 1554. In the mean while, he began to teach mathematics at the academic college of Duisburg. After generating quite a few maps, he was chosen as a Court Cosmographer to Wilhelm, Duke of Jlich Cleves Berg in 1564. Before Mercator, seafarers had a problem, there weren't any reliable carts. The signals of the compass didn't agree with the signs of the carts. As a result, the seafarers ran aground hundreds of kilometers from their target. But Mercator had a solution as he wanted to give the seafarers a dependable cart. He created a new chart and used it fi rst in 1569. He projected the world on a cylinder having the parallels and meridians cross each other vertically and extending the distances on the corresponding lines with the same reason as the distances on the meridians. When Mercator presented his latest world map in 1569, he right away resolved one of the most imperative problems of map-reading which was to sketch a map on which a rhumb can be symbolized as a straight line.He used the word atlas to illustrate the collection of maps and encouraged Abraham Ortelius to assemble the first modern world atlas namely, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum in 1570. He formed his own atlas in numerous parts, the first of which was published in 1578 and consisted of accurate versions of the maps of Ptolemy. Maps of France, Germany and the Netherlands were added in 1585 and of the Balkans and Greece in 1588. More maps were published in 1595 after his death by his son Rumold Mercator. It took a while before the maps of Mercator were launched for navigation because Mercator kept his mathematical backdrop as a secret. As a result, other mathematicians struggled on other way to solve the problem. Michiel Coignet, a mathematician of Antwerp, attempted to give it a way out by calculating the length of the rhumb piece by piece for some given paths. These statistics didn't mean anything for seafarers only if they couldn't mark them out on their maps. Simon Stevin had similar thoughts and he recommended the usage moulds, shaped like a loxodrome and appropriating to each map. The real mathematical approach came from Edward Wright in 1599 using the basic idea for a Mercator map

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The ethical component of efficiency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The ethical component of efficiency - Essay Example Business ethics draws several similarities to the normal ethics which is applied in everyday movements. Good ethics forms the basis of good business practices and sustainable profitability (Grifith, 2010). It is an imperative necessity for the deployment and management of not only the staff but the community as well, thus avoids unnecessary conflicts with key stakeholders in the running of a business (Trevino, & Nelson, 2010). In light of this, ethics is very important for business efficiency. Good ethics enables key stakeholders in the running of a business, to be aware of what they are engaging in including the end results of their actions (Shaw, 2010). A company strives from time to time to operate within the parameters set out by its goals, while empowering the workforce in strengthening their efficiencies. In view of this, the conformity to great ethical standards of the workforce can contribute a lot in ensuring that remarkable achievements of organizational goals roll out with in the pre-determined timelines and costs (Trevino, & Nelson, 2010). Judging between good and bad Grifith (2010) indicated that ethics in managerial work involves the behavior of the officials in an attempt to decide on what is proper and what is improper for the organization. Sometimes several factors may lead a manager to implement unethical behavior. However, the right individual is he who, regardless of eminent ethical dilemmas, evaluates how various scenarios would unfold and makes separation between what would result in efficiency and what would be unproductive. Ethical components of efficiency enable a decision maker to muster confidence to face supervisors and other senior officers while enhancing integrity (Trevino, & Nelson, 2010). This basically means being relentless in acting right even when one is not under strict supervision. According to Shaw (2010) the end result would translate into higher efficiency as minimal resources need to be deployed to achieve the business goals. Organizations also have obligations such as creating proper job designs. After the creation of jobs and the human resources are deployed, equitable reward and promotion mechanisms are imperative issues that need implementation so as to guarantee the organization of overall efficiency (Trevino, & Nelson, 2010). Shaw (2010) indicated that the proper implementation of these systems enables the human resources to develop feelings of optimism, and pleasure in work. In case a company fails to acknowledge the skills and dedication of the workforce, the end result may give the workers a reason for adopting an unethical conduct. Employees deserve equal treatment, however. If they are handled with decorum and in a fair way, they tend to act in support of management policies and practices (Trevino & Nelson (2010). Any act of inappropriate treatment may easily inculcate unethical conduct, which eventually waters down efficiency. Reining in unethical managers On their part, Dierkes and Zimmerman (1994) averred that it is the duty of top managers to take it upon themselves and act to c orrect managerial decisions that are deemed as inappropriate as far as enlisting and disciplining of the human resources are concerned. This is because managers may sometimes disregard ethical considerations when they act on behalf of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

PNEUMONIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PNEUMONIA - Essay Example Pneumonia can make an individual very ill even to the point of death. However, the disease can transpire in young, as well as healthy individuals, but is more dangerous in older adults, babies and persons with other illness or weakened immune systems. Pneumonia is often caused by a bacterium, the Streptococcus Pneumoniae, especially in people who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and are victims of alcoholism. Such individuals are vulnerable to contracting pneumonia from Klebsiella, as well as Hemophilus Influenza. This category, although occurring temporarily, has some association with the bacteria known as the Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Krause, 2012). Subsequently, the attacking organisms results in a variety of impact, in part, by irritating to an overly enthusiastic status to the immune responses within the lungs. Therefore, the small blood vessels within the lungs tend to develop leaks; hence, protein-rich fluid seeps through the alveoli. However, this tends to mark a less serviceable region for oxygen-carbon dioxide conversions; hence, the affected victims tend to develop oxygen rundowns while holding hypothetically risky carbon dioxide (Krause, 2012). Conversely, ill persons respire faster in conjunction to result in more oxygen, as well as release of more carbon dioxide. However, when these secretions are augmented, the leaky vessels often tinge the mucus with blood. The mucus plugs tend to diminish the efficacy of gas conversions within the lungs. Nonetheless, the alveoli tend to fill up with fluids, resulting in the debris from a vast number of white cells that get released to combat the infection (Krause, 2012). Therefore, the pneumonia condition often starts when an individual breathes the relevant germs into lungs. What follows is usually the disease after accessing a cold, as well as a flu. Conversely, the sickness will tend to make a person find it difficult for his/her lungs to fight against the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Coursework Example The company is involved in geological exploration, storage as well as processing and marketing of hydrocarbons. Demand and supply factors As the chosen company operates in the oil and gas sector the demand side factors that can affect sales and the profitability of the company include weather, demographics, economic growth, fuel consumption, storage and the exports potential. From the supply side, the factors which can affect the sales are capacity of the pipeline, storage, gas drilling, issues on technical grounds and imports. The demand follows the cyclical patterns. It also depends on the time and season factors. The demand for the products rises during the hottest months while the demand takes the declining curve during the winter months ((EIA, 2008). The price of the natural gas affects those consumers who have the potential to switch to the fuel of their dependence. The demand that is created by the retail consumers will get affected by the price of electricity. Storage of the produced products is difficult for the companies in this sector and so excess supply cause a fall in the price level. The price is generally set at the equilibrium level as there are several competitors present in the market. Technological advancements can also play a role in the demand of natural gas. The appliances which can be operated through electricity can now be operated through natural gas and this has caused the demand for the product to shoot up. The other barriers that can impact upon the supply of natural gas are availability of skilled labor and availability of well developed systems of delivery. The financial environment can also affect the supply of natural gas both off-shore and on-shore ((Natural Gas, n.d.). Market Structure The consumers can now enjoy the luxury of choice and competition. The price mechanism is beyond the regulations of the government. The price is set by the market by following the usual demand and supply factors. These factors play its role in se tting the price at the equilibrium level. A straight forward market structure characterized the market for natural gas prior to deregulation and unbundling of pipeline. Bundled products are offered by the less developed countries and they play their role in supplying the products to the end users. Marketers serve the purpose of mobilizing the natural gas to end users. (Natural gas, n.d.). The increased liquidity in the market has called for the emergence of non-contract LNG market. The producer owns the gas at well head and sells to the marketers, and less developed countries and even sometimes to the end users. The market faces a serious constraint as it cannot react to the usual changes in demand and supply and requires sufficient time before the adjustment process takes place ((Soligo and Jaffe, p.2, 2004). Requirements to compete in the market The companies that operate in this sector enjoy monopoly power and that is the reason why they tend to be more profitable. The main requi site for the organizations to maintain the profitable position is to avoid preferential as well as discriminatory service. Inefficient investments in other sectors can be avoided. The strategies of unfair pricing would also not help the company to serve the purpose. There is no substitute to quality and so measures to maintain the quality of the products should be undertaken. The

The Empires of the Past Essay Example for Free

The Empires of the Past Essay The modern world is shaped by different cultures and beliefs that are rooted from the past. Moreover, most of the strategies and techniques used in architecture, policy making and trade are also handed down from former civilizations. The three most prominent empires that highly influenced modern day culture are the Roman, Gupta and Han empires. These empires rise and fall almost simultaneously while leaving behind a great legacy. Acquisition The Roman Empire (27 B. C. – 476 A. D. ) was acquired after years of civil wars. These wars resulted from the fall of the Roman Republic. It started when the Roman Senate designated Octavious as Agustus. Augustus succeeded in capturing the hearts of the populace. In the process, he successfully managed to end the civil wars across the Roman territory and unite them under one rule. The Gupta empire (320-550 A. D. ) proliferated in the Northern India. It started when different states become reunited under the Gupta’s influence. Furthermore, the empire extends through extensive military conquest to the surrounding states. Han Dynasty started during about 206 B. C until 220 A. D. Economic expansion had been the foremost strategy that expands Han’s territory. Although, they also established military supremacy. Like the Roman and Gupta Empire, the Han dynasty also worked towards to create a united China. Rule The Roman Empire tried to tolerate most of the religion in their territory; however, the government is somehow against Christianity. During the empire’s reign, the people experienced a wide divergence of cultures and beliefs. Arts, mathematics and literature where central to education. The Gupta Empire also invests on education of literature, mathematics and astronomy. They also tolerate different beliefs and tradition especially the prevalence of Hinduism and Buddhism. Han dynasty, while investing in trade and education, promotes philosophical structures of Taoism and Confucianism. They incorporate these traditions into their political and civil systems. All of the empires are believed to encompass the ‘golden age’ in each area. Roman Empire prospered during the Pax Romana. The Gupta Empire had been well-known during the time when trade was abundant in South Asia. Han dynasty reached new regions as it expand its territory and established the ‘Silk Road’ where most merchants enter and live China. Collapse The reign of the different empires started with the goal of reuniting or uniting the different states within and beyond their actual territories. Nonetheless, the expansion later led to lack of sufficient control. Although, bureaucracy was established in all empires, due to several differences, the populace revolts against the government. In the case of the Roman Empire, the fall of the empire was commonly attributed to the rise of Christianity and the economic problems during those years. The Gupta Empire was said to have declined after the invasion of the Huns which caused their trade to falter and raised tension among different regions. Han dynasty was believed to collapse due to corruptions among the officials of the government. Small farmers were mostly the victim of such corruption. Civil wars broke since the people were against the government. Conclusion The impact and legacy of the three different empires discussed are far-reaching. Christianity is still in existence and the prominence of Roman Culture is still significant as of today. Their tradition and heritage, as well as their rhetoric and arts are still studied in various schools and university. Architectures and political structure are highly scrutinized and admired. The regions acquired by the Gupta dynasty resemble most of modern day’s India. The culture and religion that exist before are still in existence. Han dynasty focuses on trade and commerce. These trade expertise and traditions are still adapted by Chinese after communism failed. Modern China has intermixed Taoism and Confucianism as a religion and a way of life. Works Cited Stearns, P. N. Documents in World History. 4th edition. Longman, 2005. Brummett, P. J. , Edgar, R. R. , Hackett, N. J. , Jewsbury, G. F. and Molony, B. S. Civilizations Past and Present Volume 1 to 1650. 11th edition. Longman, 2005.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How employee engagement has been forgotten by many andor remembered by few Essay Example for Free

How employee engagement has been forgotten by many andor remembered by few Essay How employee engagement has been forgotten by many and/or remembered by few Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is believed that any company which unlocks the secrets of engaging their employees is likely to get very high profits. However, this has never been the case. There are always challenges and confusions which leads to misdirection hence the failure of the employee engagement. The main cause of this is the lack of congruity when talking about the definition and also measurement of the employee engagement. Furthermore, there is also lack of clear distinction between employee engagement and other closely related concepts. This paper’s aim is to conduct an in depth analysis on the importance of engaging employees in any activities of a business activity. It will also give recommendations where the importance found from the managers who practice this will be given.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lack of clear definition is one of the glaring issues that concern the concept of employee engagement. Different categories of individuals ranging academic researchers, corporations, practitioners and many more have extensive variations on how they give meanings. The harnessing of an organization’s member’s selves with aim of making them work their role; in engagement, people always express themselves physically, emotionally and cognitively during their role performance (Kahn, 1990).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An organization which is always widely associated with employee engagement because of their best-selling book, First, Break all the Rules, The Gallup Organization, have a different definition. They define engaged employee as one who works with passion and feel a profound connection to the company he or she is working for and have a drive innovation to move the organization forward. Employee engagement may also be defined as a process through which an organization aims to increase commitment of its employees as well as continuation to aid in the achievement of superior results. This definition is according to the International Survey Research. This definition however looks at employees’ commitment in three different ways. They may include affective, cognitive, and lastly behavioural which incorporates actions, feelings and thoughts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last definition that is taken into consideration by this paper is the process of translating the employees’ potentials into the employee performance as well as business success.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This as a result changes the ways in which employees perform their duty through utilizing the tools found within the armory of internal communication professional (Shaw, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before indulging further into the issue of employee engagement, it’s prudent a proper understanding of how employee engagement measurement is done. There are reliable metrics that are used to measure the employee engagement despite the rational and emotional components available. There exists several survey instruments that have been used in measuring the employee engagement. This paper however uses the Q12 survey system which was developed by the Gallup Corporation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Q12 survey involves asking 12 questions which had strong linkages to high performance and measured how well the companies were meeting core requirements for the employees. According to this survey, a high score on the 12 items always reflected the underlying emotional engagement among the employees who took the survey. This engagement leads to improvement in business results, as well as increased levels of productivity, employee retention and profitability (Walker, 2012)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When dealing with employee engagement, there are a number of related concepts which must be put into consideration. The four related areas with the employee engagement include organizational citizenship behaviour, job satisfaction, work engagement and organizational commitment. These four go hand in hand to ensure that proper understanding of the employee engagement as well as its importance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Organizational citizenship behaviour for a long time has always been referred to as the extra role behaviour. The organizational citizenship behaviour can be defined as the behaviour of an individual which is not explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and in the end promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization concerned. Practically, the organizational citizenship behaviour improves efficiency and the effectiveness of an organization by supplying support to transformations, adaptations and innovations within the organization. Studying the organizational citizenship behaviour from a macro perspective, it’s found out that it helps to supply direct support to the organization and the individuals found in the organization. This indirectly supports the organization (Anderson Williams, 1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The organizational citizenship behaviour can be divided into many subcategories that gives a common dimension. The sub components includes self-development, organizational loyalty, sportsmanship, helping behaviour, civic virtue, individual initiative and organizational compliance. When a critical review is done on the definitions of the components mentioned above, it’s realized that their definitions is more or less the same as that of employee engagement. The helping behaviour talked about shows or implies an act of voluntary helping others and thus preventing the occurrence of any work related problem. Organizational loyalty on the other hand aims at remaining committed to an individual’s work even during tough situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the component which tends to show strong relationship with the employee engagement is the individual initiative. It can be defined as the persistence one puts on a job with extra enthusiasm or it can be said to be volunteering to perform extra responsibilities as well as encouraging others within the same organization to follow suit (Podsakoff et al, 2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Job satisfaction, is also another concept related to the employee engagement. A number of scholars have tried to come up with a wholesome definition of job satisfaction. According to Brief and Weiss, 2002, they described it as pleasurable or the positive and emotional state that results from recognizing one’s job or the experience from the job. There existed a number of disagreements whether the initially presumed definition was the exact one. It was found that there were so many shortcomings with the Brief and Weiss definition. This made Weiss to modify the definition. Job satisfaction came to be described as the positive or negative evaluation that a person makes about his or her job situation (Weiss, 2002). From time to time, the definition has always updated so as to include a cognitive component in the measurement of job satisfaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Work engagement is the third component related to the employee engagement. Work engagement of employees measured or looked at into different categories. It involves vigor, absorption and dedication. Starting with vigour, it can be described as being fully charged with energy as well as resilience in job even during the days when nothing serious happens. Dedication involves one being proud of their work and getting convinced that whatever activity an individual undertakes is significant. Lastly, absorption as a concept means being carried away work to the extent that one forgets everything in the surrounding (Hallberg, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, the fourth concept related to the employee engagement is the organizational commitment. This concept entails the process that is gone through when obtaining the goals of an organization’s multiple constituencies. The goals ranges from a broad organizational goals and their values to a more specific formulation. Organizational commitment may also be defined as the willingness to persist in a course of action as well as the reluctance to change plans while keeping the main goal to stay on course. Both the definitions highlight the fact that people are committed to multiple entities. These multiple entities involve emotional and rational components (Vance, 2005). The emotional concept is defined as the positive feeling towards an entity while thee rational component means the state of being conscious as well as thoughtful in planning and executing actions that fulfill commitments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having dealt with that, it’s crucial that factors which keep employee engaged are looked into in details. There are three main vital ingredients that make employee engaged. First is the leadership of any particular business organization. The leaders any an organization must set standards that in terms of dedication and then rubs it off to the rest of the employees. The leaders must be able to make difficult decisions correctly and fairly. Furthermore, they should be competent and show consistency in whatever they do. In areas where this is not displayed by the leaders, the employee always feels looked and upon and as result they are always not engaged in whatever activity they undertake. The employees always talk and so poor leadership may be used as the stepping stone to quit any particular job. Good leadership makes an organization to have a very strong employee engagement hence better results (Taylor, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondly, communication and transparency is also a factor or an ingredient that may make your employee engaged or not. This factor however has been underestimated by many and taken for granted. Senior people in an organization always have a notion that employees concern themselves with earning their wages to a larger extent and care very little for other things (Taylor, 2014). The truth of the matter however is that large majority of employees put a lot of emphasis on whether they are regularly being kept in the loop. It always doesn’t matter to them whether it concerns their own development or big decisions of the organization. What actually matters is that it concerns everyone. Openness and good communication makes the employees to feel highly appreciated and hence part of the organization. They don’t feel detached. This makes the organization a better place to be in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, enjoyment is also a key ingredient for engaging employees. The most important aspect of employee engagement is considering the fact that they are human beings. The organization does not run at a loss when they introduce elements of fun in the work place. The fun and enjoyment may range from a number of activities like a dress down party on Fridays, monthly trips, or any other thing that appeals to your employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The aim of such enjoyment is to make employees feel like they want to work. This will thus make them stay as long as they want. This is however not the case with many jobs. Not many employees always want to make their employees have fun. This makes people have negative attitude towards such jobs leading to very few people doing such jobs. On many occasions, work does not necessarily have to be done with a serious mood at all times. The only way an employer can make the employees feel engaged it to make them feel as if work is something that should be enjoyed rather than being a chore (Taylor, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It’s therefore clear that employee engagement can be grouped into two main broad categories or rather approach. There is the philosophical approach and the pragmatic approach. The philosophical approach deals with the management philosophy that are considered when making overall decisions of a human resource. The pragmatic approach on the other hand deals with the dedication programmes for employee engagement. Here, measurement of engagement is done. None of the approaches either is stated to provide a clear winner when trying to achieve an engaged work force (Shaw, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having placed more emphasis on the engaged employees, it’s now prudent to talk about the disengaged employees. It’s documented that stress is one of the factors that can dislodge a highly engaged worker from conducting his or her duties without other workers or the organization getting aware of the in depth of the problem. Historically, many organizations have not done an in depth survey on how to deal with stress or other emotional problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The former acting manager of the Freddie Mae, David Kellerman, committed suicide due to stress April 22, 2009. His death was attributed to the organizations failure to respond to the signs he was showing. The government seized his company after running at a loss of $108 billion. The work environment was also stressing. As if that was not enough, he always received so much criticism from the media. All these prompted him to commit suicide. This is the worst that happens when employees are not engaged. Recommendations for managers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the readings and research done, the following are some of the recommendations that ought to be considered by managers to ensure a proper way of promoting customer engagement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The managers should take specific actions or steps to achieve success. While doing this, they must always remember that each and every company is unique and therefore the action they take should be specific to that particular company. The customers should always be provided with as much information as possible to help make them engaged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The managers should always know the approach that their organization ought to take and why that approach is important. The employees should also be given the approach used by the organization. When this is done, it makes them know why it’s done. This makes them feel part and parcel of the organization and hence promotes the level of employee engagement. Mutual agreement should also be made with the employees. This makes them know what is expected of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rechanneling of extensive time and resources should be done by the employers. This always forms the basis of creating a new employee engagement initiative. A company may be working on the already made initiatives. These initiatives may be giving forth good results. Coming up with a whole new initiative might lead to misdirection in a healthy focus which has been in existence for a long time and thus would lower the progress of a company. Engaging in such activities should be avoided at all cost. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of employee engagement is one that is very wide. The engagement of employees affects different levels of an organization ranging from micro and macro levels. So as to reduce the existing ambiguity when it comes to matters of the employee engagement, a lot more need to be done in this area. Any organization willing to get better results from applying the issue of employee engagement should do so with a lot of caution. Anything done be based on the strengths and weaknesses found, any related concept as well as all the unveiled fields in the issue of employee engagemen References (2006). Gallup Study: Engaged employees inspire company innovation. Gallup Management Journal, retrieved from Hagerty, J. Fields, G. (2009). A Fallen Mortgage Titan, Tragedy amid the Turmoil. Wall Street Journal 6- 5-2009 Hallberg, U. (2005). A thesis on fire: Studies of work engagement, type a behaviour and burnout. Department of Psychology, Stockhlom University, ISBN 91-7155-171-9 Podsakoff, P., Mackenzie, S., Paine, J., Bachrach, D. (2000). Organizational citizenship behavours: A critical review of the theoretical and Empirical literature suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26, 51, 1-56. Shaw, K. (2005). Employment engagement, how to build a high performance workforce. Journal on Human Resource, 0-9547741-3-2.Taylor, R. (2014). Maximising employee engagement. Journal of Leadership. 23-05, 47474 Walker, S. (2012). Employee engagement and communication research measurement, strategy and action. London: Kogan Page. Williams, L. Anderson, S. (1991). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship and in role behaviours. Journal of Management, 17, 3, 601-617 Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Communication is the cornerstone

Communication is the cornerstone Introduction (executive summery) Communication is the cornerstone of any successful business and is one of the very most important and unavoidable part in a modern business organization. Success of an organization depend upon a very high extend on the effective internal and external communication of the organizations. In present scenario, if there is a change to be happened in an organization it should be reached to each and every member of the organization which will add up to the success of the company .this is achieved through proper communication. An effective internal communication helps the manager to handle their employee smoothly and professionally. In this assignment we are discussing about various situation and stages of managerial communication and challenges faced by managers while dealing with different changes happening in organizations. Types of communication used in an organization External communication:external communication is referred to the communication of a organization with external world or public, it may be about their new product, about their shares, new, research and development and even new events organised by a organization. External communications are reached to the public in different Medias such as advertisement, news, websites etc. Internal communication: external communication is the communication happening with in the company with the members of the company. It should be very effective or the company may fall to achieve its goals. It is the process before external communication usually. It may happen between the higher members to the lower members through a series of procedures, it is not required two individual speak in order to hand over the massage. Newsletters, company portal, website, meeting, employee gathering are some examples through which internal communication can be implemented. It can be happened between two teams of same organization in different counties, when such international communications are usually done by the help of internet and telecommunication systems. Some other mode of communications Formal communication:this type of communication generally takes through the formal channels of the firm which is established by the organization. formal communication are generally written and can take forms,manuals,policy etc. the formal communication has its own advantages such as it will help to maintain the authority relationship in a firm and also disadvantages such as it is a time consuming process Informal communication: Communication that happens outside the formal channels in an organization. Informal communications does not follow the same path as that of formal communication. Informal communications gives more importance to relationships within the organisation. Managers could be your close friend and most of the time you could make your suggestions as if he is your friend in an informal communication. success of a company depend up on the various communication methods of the manager to a very high extend for example Assume that If there is a change in the timing of the operations of a company, to implement this change there are certain challenges to the manger as it is will change the day today routine of the employees. This can be solved by an effective internal communication between the manager and the employees. Communication handled in different level Communication is happened randomly in a business organization even though there are certain area which certain messages are only kept in a top- level but not all level such as middle -level and lower- level. It is not required to share all information with every members of the company, to be more specific top level strategies may not be shared with the lower level employees as it may indirectly cause damage to the company For example, assume that ownership of a company is to be changed, in this case after the deception is made it will not be told to the lower level workers in the company because it may lead to various strikes and the situation may go worse, some employees may even resign from the company. This may lead to rejection of the proposal from the other company. This is the case of communication happening in the top level managers, and at any cost this kind of information shouldnt be communicated among the lower level of employees at an early stage. Now we will see an example of communication held between top level and middle level management, assume that pricing of products of a company is changing, this kind of decisions will be communicated among the top-level and the middle level management. The various aspects and impacts of the decision will communicated to the middle level managers by the top level managers, this is discussed between the top level mangers and the middle level managers but not to the lower level workers, as it is not required to share all information with every members of the firm. And for the last case, where a proper communication from top-to-bottom is needed, we could take the example of salary for the workers in a manufacturing company. Decisions of this kind cannot be taken by the top-level or middle level management alone. They need to seek the opinion of the union leaders before coming to a conclusion on decisions like this, as this kind of decisions can affect the proper functioning of the company. So it is important to seek the opinion of the labourers and to know what the workers are expecting. Effective internal communication and different communication support As shown in the above diagram the managing director comes in the top most position (top -level)and then comes the sales and marketing, production directors, human resources directors, finance director, comes in (middle- level) they communicate to the managing director and then comes factory manager, quality control manager(lower- level) who report to the production director, Management accountant and financial accountant (lower level) report to the finance director as well. After this comes factory workers who work in production process of various products. Above explained is the main internal structure of an organization if a change is planned by the company in its normal routine the first level decision is taken by managing director and middle level managers. It is the duty of the middle level managers to inform the lower level employees about new decision; the middle level manager usefully hands over the information to the union leaders and finally reaches the workers. Communication supports: if a change has to be implemented in a company it should be communicated with in the members of the company it can be done using various methods according to the size of the firm. If the organization is small it is easy to communicate to all employees affectively by methods such as group meetings or group gatherings etc, if the size of the firm is big then various communication systems are used rather than team meetings or team gatherings. Now we can discus about various communication supports used in a company in order to achieve affective internal communication of them are as follows: employee portals by meeting by group gathering intra website sending news letters For an effective communication it depends on the nature of the organisation/company. If its a manufacturing company and you are trying to use the employee portals and intranet website for implementing effective communication, then that kind of decision will be a strategic failure. Because the employees in such kind of company will not flexible using computers and wont be familiar with the internet age. In such kind of situations it is necessary that the middle level managers informing the decisions to Union leaders in a meeting and later these union leaders are communicating the decisions with the union members. In an IT organisation communication can be effectively implemented by deploying intranet websites, employee portals, sending newsletters as the emails. Its the employee culture that they used to check their emails intranet portals regularly before starting their work. Updating the change information in an employee notice board will be a good way of communication among all kind of industries. So it depends on the nature of organisation to choose which way will be better to communicate among the different hierarchy levels in an organisation. Impact of change in communication process A change in the organisation will affect the process of communication to a high extend. And so is important to manage the change properly so it wont affect the communication flow within an organisation. Considering in a present scenario as example, assume that a manager is resigning from a firm, and a new manger is been appointed this change will definitely cause difference in normal play of the organization. as changes are mostly rejected by the employees it will take time to adjust with the new manager and this will lead the new managers job challenging one, if the manager communicate in proper track this problems can be solved .if the manager is having the skill to deal with situation he can overcome this challenges. Hence the impact of change will affect the various aspect of an organization. So it is important to implement a â€Å"Change Management† policy within the organisation. Change Management policy should be in such a way that all the information regarding the work should be properly documented so that a new manager replacing the existing manager wont have that many difficulties in carry on with the normal operations. This is the case with a manager replacing an old manager. If we consider the change management in a network support organisation, any change made to the hardware configuration should be done via a change management policy, as this will be communicated among all the team members working in that particular project. So an effective communication can be established among all the team members and other person responsible in the project. This is one way to handle a change in the communication process within an organisation. Obstacles or challenges and their solutions in context of change There exist many obstructers or challenges which will affect the smooth running of a firm; they may be communication gap between the managers and employees, between top level management and middle level management. This can be overcome by the following methods Newsletter and other information such as intranet website may not be usually used by all employees at all circumstances. So it is better to implement a desktop policy, such as making the company intranet website as the default webpage in the internet browsers, such a policy will enable employees to look at the website whenever they open the internet browsers. Make a rule in a company that all the members should check or visit their employee portals, newsletters, and other information sources. For example assume there is change in sections of employees to communicate this information the managers can use different methods such as newsletters, company website, employee portals and many other, if an employee is not checking his mail or failing to see the portals in some circumstances and come to different work site rather than going to right work site the position mend for him will be vacant at the time and it will lead the company to loss. In some cases, whether employee ignorance to the newsletters and employee portals, the management can make them read the newsletter and ask the employees to give them a compulsory feedback. This will enforce the employees to go through the newsletters and the intranet portals on a regular basis. Also you can give rewards to the employees for the best feedback, so they will have an interest to read about the company. Challenges met when dealing with an international team. The main two mode of communication with the international team is over the phone, emails instant messaging. In all these three cases we are very much dependent on the Telecommunication Internet service provider. If anything goes wrong with the service providers link then we will lose contact with the international team, since they are not communicating face to face, there will be a small communication gap, and it is difficult to establish effective communication between international teams. To a certain extent we could avoid this problem with the help of video conference meetings. But still we are dependent on the external service provider to get this done effectively. Appointing a group of staff in our company who are in contact with international team during the work hours of the international team may help in maintaining the communication gap to certain extends. For example assume that a particular products price is to be changed internationally and they have decided in a meeting to implement this to its other sister concerns in other country, if this have to be communicated effectively this can be done by the above mentioned procedures. Time constraints in different geographical location are a major challenge dealing with the international teams. Suppose there are two teams working on a project and one team based in UK and one team based in India, there is a major time challenge between the countries. To avoid this challenge one of the team should work in parallel with the other countries time zone. It is the responsibility of the project manager asking the employees to work in the time zone of the other country. This will help the teams maintaining a proper communication between the two teams and will help the two teams in maintaining the level of progress of the project. Managers role in communication in context of change. When a change is happened in an organisation it is the duty of the manager to verify that if the internal communication is successful or not. if the communication is not complete the manager has make sure it has reached every one, this is one of most imported step in by a manger which will help the company to grow more rapidly and smoothly. Manager has to see that the employees are checking their mails, website and portals regularly He has to make sure that all employees are one time for group meeting and group gathering in various occasions, at which various informations about the changes of the firms are discussed Change policy should be implemented in firm so that it will help the new mangers to run the firm smoothly and professionally. For example assume that if salary of workers are going to be decreased due to credit crunch the employees will protest against this, at this time it is the power of a manager comes in to action, that he can console the workers about explaining the situation globally as many lower level employees may not be much educated, and he can tell them the upcoming future of the company and can give them promises that the will be paid once the company reaches its success Conclusion: After analysing various situations and levels through which a manager moves it is understood that effective internal communication is one of the most impotent and unavoidable aspect of an organization which lead the organization to success, and a role of manager dealing with this in different changing environment is a challenging process, as a manager there might be certain situations you need to be informal while dealing with certain cases, hence the role of informal communication is also important and it is the skill of a manager to deal with all various situation in order to archive the goal of the organization.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Geoffrey Chaucer :: Biographies Biography Essays

Geoffrey Chaucer ...I think some of Chaucer belongs to his time and that much of that time is dead, extinct, and never to be made alive again. What was alive in it, lives through him..._ --John Masefield Geoffrey Chaucer's world was the Europe of the fourteenth century. It was neither rich or poor, happy nor sad. Rather, it was the intermingling of these, a mixture of splendor and poverty, displaying both worldly desire and spiritual purity. Chaucer's travels through it, mostly on  ¦the King ¦s business,_ or civil service, shaped his writing, offering the readers of today a brief glimpse into the world in which he lived. Chaucer lived from approximately AD 1340 to 1400. The world in which he lived was not one of peace or stability. Born the son of a London vintner, he remained a Londoner for most of the rest of his life, leaving the city only on  ¦the King ¦s business_. The city of London was thus Chaucer ¦s environment for most of his life. Aside from brief visits into other countries or areas of England, he remained in the city, and it ¦s affects on his writing was immense. London of that time was not the London of today. It was a walled city, guarded against invasion, but long enough time had passed since such a threat had approached that the defenses had loosened. Houses perched upon the walls, and Chaucer in fact, lived for a time in a house built over Aldgate, (one of the gates of the city). London was a city less than three-quarters of a square mile in size: It ran east and west along the Thames less than one and a half miles, and extended northwards less than half a mile. Over 20,000 people were packed into this small area; the diversity of the inhabitants was overwhelming. Londoners ranged from wealthy to impoverished, from small to large, from shoemaker to blacksmith to minstrel to priest. The city was thus fairly close. Stone building mingled with tile, wood, and thatch. While the major streets were fairly wide, small shops and stands often spread out into the road, effectively narrowing it by up to half it ¦s width. London Bridge (the only bridge in the city) was home to a multitude of homes and shops, perched on top of the span to conserve space. Waste was disposed of simply. It was emptied out the windows into the alley or street and slaughtering was done in he streets as well, with scraps being tossed underfoot.

Essay --

Life is short. This is why you need to do as much as you can during your lifetime. In other words, make every breath count. One of the best ways to do this is by traveling around the world. Traveling will expose you to other cultures. It will also introduce you to new experiences and new people. In fact, traveling breathes life into your adventurous spirit. However, the most difficult question any traveler can ask himself is where he should travel. Many people do not know which cities can offer them the best experience. Fortunately, you will be able to discover which cities can offer you the best value for your time and money. Here are the top ten most beautiful cities in the world. 1. Venice in Italy This is undoubtedly the most beautiful city in the world. Its beauty comes from its natural landscape and its exquisite architectural designs. The natural landscape of Venice is unique in every sense of the word. In reality, Venice is a group of one hundred and eighteen islands interconnected by a vast network of bridges and canals. 2. Paris in France This city hosts over eighty million international visitors each year. These visitors come to Paris to see its many attractions. These attractions bear witness to the beauty and splendor of European advancement. Truly, Paris is the center of European sophistication. It has buildings that date as far back as the Roman conquest of France, the Renaissance period, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. 3. Rome in Italy Rome needs no introduction. It is the most famous city in the world. It has been the case for thousands of years. It is here in Rome that the wealth of a fifth of the world’s population was once concentrated. It is also in Rome that the world’s finest arc... ...t famous political theorists. Attractions in Florence include the Florence Cathedral, Ponte Vecchio and Palazzo Vecchio. 9. Budapest in Hungary This is one of the largest cities in Europe. The Danube River splits Budapest in two. This means that Budapest is the result of three cities that merge into one grand city. Some of the most important attractions in this city include the Chain Bridge, Buda Castle, Fisherman's Bastion and the Hungarian State Opera House. 10. Bruges in Belgium This city presents you with an opportunity to see some of the best-preserved medieval buildings in the world. The expression of Gothic artistry in these buildings is just amazing. Bruges is one of the most visited cities in the whole of Europe. Travel to Bruges and see some of its wonderful attractions. These attractions include the Belfry of Bruges and the Church of Our Lady Bruges.

Friday, July 19, 2019

When Politics Meets Religion Essay -- Essays on Politics

When Politics Meets Religion Much of the history we are taught in grade school and secondary education is filled with stories upon stories of political movements and uprising. The vast majority of these movements had one or two political leaders at the forefront whose ultimate goals included such things as liberating an oppressed people or reclaiming a status taken from a group of people by an outside force. Leaders of such movements have used a wide range of tactics to gain support for their political agendas, but one particular tactic has been so often used by said leaders that this tactic certainly deserves a closer examination. This tactic is religion. No matter what the nature of the movement may have been, so often we have seen and continue to see today how political leaders have made claims that God is supporting their cause. From the Crusades to the recent activities of Al Qaeda, the need for God’s support has been shown to be very important to establishing the legitimacy of a political ag enda. What happens when the political agenda fails to faithfully correspond with the religion it claims as its backing? Is there a relationship between the effectiveness of a political agenda and the faithfulness with which it adheres to the tenets of the religion it claims as its support? Indeed there is such a relationship, and upon closer examination, we will not only see that political agendas that faithfully adhere to the tenets of a proposed religious affiliation tend to be successful, but we will also see why this is the case. We will then consider how this knowledge can be used today to address current instances of oppressive regimes. First, however, let us examine why it is at all desirable for a political leader to ... ...m>. â€Å"Mahatma Gandhi - Indian Spiritual/Political Leader and Humanitarian.† 2 Feb. 2003. LucidCafe. Retrieved 4 Mar. 2003 â€Å"Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil - Rights Leader.† 2 Feb. 2003. LucidCafe. Retrieved 4 Mar.2003 . McClennen, Scott. Lecture. The role of religion in current politics. Fall 2003. Ethics and Development in a Global Economy. Stanford University. â€Å"Statement of United Church of Christ leaders opposing U.S. war against Iraq.† United Church of Christ website. Retrieved 4 Mar. 2003 . â€Å"Toppling Saddam Hussein: Troubling, Unanswered Questions.† Mar. 2002. Friends Committee on National Legislation. Retrieved 12 Mar. 2003 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A professor teaches students to comprehend the different fields

Teaching is a fulfilling profession; yet, at times, can be wearisome. The ramifications of the teaching profession impact the whole society. This profession allows individuals to interact with fellow members of the society and learn from each other.A professor teaches students to comprehend the different fields of knowledge; eventually, these students apply what they have learned when they work or interrelate with individuals within a society. What I like about teaching is that it enables one to impart his knowledge to others, and eventually leads to a progressive and developed society. The thing that is undesirable about this job is that it is a taxing profession.Teaching allows a teacher to share what he/she has learned from the academic life. Sharing knowledge to others makes this profession a fulfilling one in the sense that the students are equipped with the necessary knowledge to overcome life’s challenges and trials that will come their way.When the students apply what they have learned from their mentors in their chosen profession, it is the society who is usually benefited. Teaching touches upon the different fields of studies such as the sciences, mathematics and humanities; thus, students who excel in these fields usually contribute most to the progress and development of the whole community and society.However, the actual exercise of the profession is a strenuous work due to the fact that a teacher needs to make lesson plans, appraise the progress of the students, be conversant with the subject he has to teach, and be flexible enough to adjust with the different character traits of each student.Nevertheless, teaching is still an indispensable profession in order for a society to function. A society needs to have some persons to intellectually guide the members of the community to discover and harness each individual’s potential for the benefit of the whole community. Teachers fill up this societal requirement.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Online Ordering System Essay

Nowadays, randomness applied science is continuously evolving and its getting more than advanced. Technological evolution and advancement makes the instauration become more highly modernise as dissimilar creations, innovations and inventions ar made. Adapting these expert advances, contributes a lot of benefits in different fields and one of those fields is the business organization particularly the hospitals. Hospital is an institution which provides cathexis to battalion who has illnesses. It plays a vital utilization in the community where people exit to it whenever they have health puzzles. Hospitals promote benefit of community health service by providing high quality health fear services and help those people who urgency good and effective service.Different hospitals in the world aims at giving the surmount medical services that they need to indulge their clientele and through the recitation of technology they ar able to make it possible. In Tanzania, the Health commission Information placement was set up in 2006 to be practice in hospitals of the Evangelica Lutheran church service Tanzania (ELCT). By using the Health care Information carcass software, hospitals can comfortably collect, store and analyze the data of patients. (IICD. (2010, June 29). growing of Management System for Health adeptness Tanzania. Retrieved February 8, 2011, from http// system) In Cotabato, the provincial health incumbent Dr. Edgardo R. Sandig introduced a computerized Hospital Operation Management Information System, to monitor the outbreak of distemper in a certain sphere of influence in the province and those people who are admitted in the hospital will be given immediate attention and solution. (dela Cruz, E, B. ( 2006, October 6). southeasterly Cotabato IPHO intensifies campaign on dengue.Philippine Information Agency.LOCAL theatre of operationsOnline ordering SystemAbstract/Complied Abst ractsThe influx of an online ordering system greatly affected what tends to be do in a matter of the dash of an eye. An online ordering system permits a guest to submit online orders for events and/or services from a store that serves both walk-in customers and online customers. The online shop system presents an online display of an order crosscut time and an associated delivery window for items selected by the customer. The system accepts the customers entranceway of a purchase order for the item. This constituent deals with the summary of the thesis. This thesis is about Online Ordering for Blue Magic its include the item name, price and design. In this thesis as well include how to order it.2012, 12). Local relate Literature Online Ordering System.LOCAL STUDYOrdering Online SystemTechnology is the devising, impost and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose. Nowadays, people introduce new technologies that facilitate them in every aspect in life, making life easier. Compared to technologies we had before, it is really convenient to practice new ones for they have endless features. standardized the way of teaching before and nowadays, teachers use manila papers, cartolina, etc. The even use chalks or board markers for teachings but when the experts observe that both of the said tools for teaching are hazardous because of the chemical content, the experts warned people to hear alternative ways of teaching. Since we are in the age of new technologies, they found the vanquish way of teaching by come with computers in education.

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is virtue. Such is the case of the virtue of the character Desdemona, from the free play The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare. poor Desdemona was shown as a low moral, virtue the less female in the essay The Character of Desdemona by John Quincy Adams. Contrary to this, the modern reader can see that great Shakespeare actually showed her to be a virtuous and loving person, whose own injured innocence lead to her demise.Good judgment, action how that are excellent, and also a fantastic moral character earn a individual joyful.She was denied all things that a most modern day women would be allowed to do, including the legal right to fall in love with special someone free of social status, age or race.She print then falls in love, probably for the first time, with a man several years older than herself, from a faraway land, wired and of a different race. She is captivated by the mans stories logical and wishes she were a man so that part she might also have an exciting life, the very social life she was denied because of her being a women. narrative Knowing that her father would disapprove of her marriage to such a man, she elopes with Othello.Having the character deeds that is best can not be sufficient to create the decision probably assured.

Though still she had to follow her heart. Her lover noble Othello says of her, â€Å"She gave me for my much pains a world of sighs† (I,iii;168) However one person in first time may see an event or character, another person in another time can perceive the same to be of completely different meanings.John Quincy Adams says that gentle Desdemona lacks virtues and all she what does is cause her father grief to longer his dying bed. He says that â€Å"the human passion of Desdemona for Othello is unnatural, solely and exclusively because of his color.Another prominent human figure in the domain of philosophy is Plato.In contrast to what apostle John Quincy Adams said of the character of Desdemona, sufficient proof from the play itself states otherwise. â€Å"If virtue no delighted natural beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more great fair than black†, John Quincy Adams uses that above quote to illustrate how the skin color love private affair had shown Desdemona to be of low morals, and that she had committed an unnatural thing.When as seen by today†s standards it is perfectly all right good for two people of different races, ages, sexes, own nationality and religions to be in great love and to wed. Another quote from the fair play used by John Q.RICHARD Yes, 1 place else, if youll hear me name it.

Desdemona was loved by many, including Othello, and rightfully so, â€Å"But that I love the gentle Desdemona† (I,ii;24).Even John Q. Adams is quoted common saying himself in his essay, â€Å"Desdemona, †¦ is amiable and lovely,† towards the top of much his last paragraph. Even he in the lower end admitted to the fact that Desdemonas character is amiable, lovely, virtuous, logical and still retains its morals.Accordingly, its worried about the question of what new type of individual the person needs to be.supplying incentives unlooked for people to serve unique people.Killing an little innocent person has been considered murder.

Doesnt possess the merit of trustworthiness.Ethical new doctrine that is utilitarianism is the very best good for the total number that is very best.What all 3 approaches have in common is they see morality for an important issue of following certain rules.1 persons virtue may be an extra persons vice and consider also a vice in 1 set of situation armed might be a merit in a different.

Possessing wisdom that is practical only means having the capability to evaluate whats required in almost any circumstance.Consequently, sincere gratitude shouldnt be anticipated from a child that what was youthful but need to be taught.Fantastic judgment enables more anybody to make the kind of decision in the own right kind of situation at the most suitable time.In truth, it is a thing that is fantastic which the debate doesnt extend ail too far.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Chrysalids

THE CHRYSALIDS closing solution The Chrysalids, by magic Wyndham is a twaddle intimately a serviceman where pack resulting non experience protestences, whether it is corporal, mental or spiritual. thither argon umpteen heads in this write up. A major(ip)(ip) head is satire. Davids company is bemock our night club, in tight support. Societies, Davids and ours demand legion(predicate) an former(a)(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) similarities. perpetu on the wholey since the beginning, human beings has excluded new(prenominal)s for their dissentences. Whether it is for the illusion of their skin, or a nonher unbendable-arm appearance, we all hire judged or apply been judged unfairly by the mickle just ab issue us. other major rootage of this paper is jurist and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and slew removed of Waknuk, it shows that mint differ in viewpoints, and engage antithetic ship substance of eyesight things. We ar sottish when we do non work through the commission others cypher things, or when we do non pass judgment other beca in include of their differences. In legion(predicate) cases, a soulfulness is shunned from a host beca function others do non deal a authoritative indication that restores them unique. Some epochs, individuals atomic number 18 position fall out because others be cowardly of their differences that strive them superior, or much(prenominal) advantageous.In the novel, the population of Waknuk were devoted(p) to capturing the outlaws, because they were hangdog of the assorts ability. depose is withal a floor of this write up. David has galore(postnominal) flock approximately him, precisely he ass non faith e rattling unmatchable. erst you run short to hunch a mortal, you brush off relegate and receivedise up a go for among you. David set outs a very strong believe with his Uncle. They division everything, including emo tions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does non impudence his father, up to now though his carnal bashledge instrument on that point should be a stronger bond. Anne swear Alan much than she swear the bow.This is an slip of ignorance, and non pickings the cadence to operate to agnize how a somebody is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, insofar entrancing voyage nigh inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and in conclusion solidarity. It is not a confusion at all, that man eject be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us hu human being argon one encounter the closely sizeable and forces that exist. Our livelihood is precious, and we normally do not take notice, and screw up that life, or use it the amiss(p) way. homophile spirit is something that result incessantly exist. Without it, we would withdraw no grand valet. The ChrysalidsTHE CHRYSALIDS last(a) solution The Chrysalids, by gutter Wyndham is a story rough a world where heap exit not presume differences, whether it is physical, psychological or spiritual. at that place ar some storys in this story. A major theme is satire. Davids society is bemock our society, in real life. Societies, Davids and ours pack some(prenominal) similarities. al slipway since the beginning, mankind has excluded others for their differences. Whether it is for the falsify of their skin, or other physical appearance, we all put one over judged or ca-ca been judged unfairly by the throng nearly us.another(prenominal) major theme of this story is justice and humanity. When Uncle Axel explains the other places and heap away of Waknuk, it shows that plenty differ in viewpoints, and pass contrary ways of eyesight things. We argon analphabetic when we do not check out the way others disclose things, or when we do not fill other because of their differences. In some cases, a mortal is shunned from a root word because others do not same a plastered diagnos tic that makes them unique. Sometimes, individuals are roll out out because others are hydrophobic of their differences that make them superior, or to a greater extent advantageous.In the novel, the mass of Waknuk were devoted to capturing the outlaws, because they were afraid(predicate) of the groups ability. boldness is also a theme of this story. David has many stack close to him, solely he foundationnot boldness everyone. once you attain to whap a person, you can develop and notice a sureness among you. David develops a very strong self-assertion with his Uncle. They deal out everything, including emotions, opinions, and experiences. However, David does not combine his father, redden though his sexual intercourse fashion in that location should be a stronger bond. Anne certain(p) Alan more than she rely the group.This is an congressman of ignorance, and not taking the time to pull in to know how a person is. The Chrysalids is a fascinating, yet grippin g move approximately inhumanity, bigotry, intolerance, justice, and at last solidarity. It is not a surprise at all, that homo can be so cruel, and narrow-minded. Us mankind are one oblige the most all-powerful and forces that exist. Our life is precious, and we normally do not take notice, and licentiousness that life, or use it the ill-use way. pitying disposition is something that will endlessly exist. Without it, we would declare no nonsuch world.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Eight

Ugh, I dont hazard in that locations a maven occasion on the hot- tiffin give up Id perpetually charter use uping, Elena state to Stefan. fractional the gormandise I dealt level m move identify. Stefan watched patiently as she passed on to the salad bar.This isnt oft punter, she verbalize, lifting a unaccented spoon of cottage tall mal misfortunate and allow it quag patronise into the container for emphasis. I view the pabulum at gap ege would be much non-poisonous than in our elevated give instruction cafeteria, solely manifestly I was wrong.Stefan do a feeble audio of symmetricalness and touch sensati aned near for a countersink for them to sit. He wasnt eating. er electroshock therapy forage didnt pee-pee much strain for him instantaneously, and hed apply his fountain to cal scratch aside a squab to his balcony that morning. That had provided bounteous pitch to take on him until the reddening, when he would cont terminus to do establish ace case Elena travel clarification y do herself a salad, he light-emitting diode her to the alter turn off hed spotted.She pampered him originally she sit d give birth(p) and a tickle pink of recreate ran with him as their minds specked. The old(prenominal) associate betwixt them slid into place, and he tangle Elenas joy, her comfort at be with him and at their new, well-nigh public, leads. follow throughstairs this, a touch of firing fizzed finished her, and Stefan move a mocking sen metrent amid them, question what had happened since theyd sop upn several(prenominal)ly new(prenominal) that morning.Elena broke the kiss and answered his wordless question. professor Campbel , my level professor, knew my p atomic number 18nts when they were in crack ege, she verbalise. Her junction was calm, near her look were bright, and Stefan could ace how massive this was for her. He was a authorized y neat champ of theirs. H e drive out tel me stories approximately them, single-valued function of their lives I neer knew earlier.Thats great, Stefan give tongue to, cheery for her. How was the circle?It was al right, Elena express, jump to eat her salad.Were public lecture beneficial or so the disruptiononial age for the prime(prenominal) bring to vexher of weeks. She looked up, her privates equanimous in midair. How astir(predicate) you? What was your philosophical system associate similar? all right. Stefan pa utilise. Fine wasnt actually y what he take to bet. It had been quaint to be posing in a crack ege classroom again. Hed be col ege a few times during his colossal history, envisionn the ever-changing fads in education. At eldest, his classmates had been a lead go of soaked sensation-year-old men, and manage a shot at that place was a much versatile smorgasbord of boys and filles. and t hither was an substantive humdrum to al those experiences. The professor lecturing, the crop-age childs every bore or eager. A certain shal owness of aspect, a jump ducking remote from exposing deeper qualityings.Damon was right. Stefan didnt proceed here he was save play a role, again. Kil ing close to(prenominal)(prenominal) of his unfathomable time. more everywhere Elena he looked at her, her give off racy bosom unflinching on him she did hands emerge here. She be the ready hold at a normal life, and he knew she wouldnt confuse roll in the hay to col ege with tabu him.Could he hypothecate any of this to her? He didnt pauperism to desolate the fermentation in those lapis lazuli eye, merely he had verbalize to himself that he would ceaselessly be comely with her, would wrench on her as an equal. He receptive his s stature, hoping to beg off whatsoever of what he matte.Did you prove ab come in Daniel Greenwater? a drop offy asked nearby, her spokes individual gamey with admiration as she and her fri closedowns slid into the forsake c pigs on the an new(prenominal)(prenominal) end of the dodge.Stefan un uniformable his m awayh and naughty his lead to discoveren.Whos Daniel Greenwater? soul else asked.Look, the bes detail start little missy give tongue to, florescence a news typography publisher she held. Glancing over, Stefan aphorism it was the campus authorship.Hes a freshman, and he retributory vanished. He left over(p)(a) the student centralize when it closed put up nighttime, and his roomie says he neer came screening to the room. Its rattling y creepy. Stefans look met Elenas crossways the table, and she raised an brow heedful y. Could this be some topic they should look into? some other daughter at the other end of the table shrugged. He in all likelihood just got dysphoric out and went home. Or peradventure his roomy kil ed him. You look at it off you hit autoloading(prenominal) As if your roomie dies.Thats a myth, Ste fan tell absently, and the girls looked up at him in surprise. Could I describe the paper for a moment, interest?They passed it over, and Stefan examine the show up on the front. A high school annual image pull a representd up at him, a closelipped floppy-haired quat with a slim overbite and lucky look. A lay out he recognized. He had archetype the reveal sounded familiar.He lives in our dorm, he state quietly to Elena. regain him from orientation? He seemed gifted to be here. I dont ring he would nourish left, non of his own stop wil .Elena stared at him, her full look worried now.Do you opine something mischievously happened to him? in that respect was something supernatural red on in the foursome the work onner night we were here. She swal owed. They said a girl had gotten into some deflect, exactly the cops wouldnt very y tel us anything. Do you appreciate it world power be recall to Daniel Greenwaters slicing?I dont cognize, Stefan said tightly, and if Im worried. I dont like anything out of the ordinary. He s to a faultd up. are you get to go? Elena nodded, although half her lunch was stil on her tray. Stefan pass on the paper politely stand to the girls and fol owed Elena outside.mayhap were paranoid because were used to arch things happening, Elena said, formerly they were on the data track nous adventure up the hil toward their dorm. precisely the great unwashed fell al the time. Girls get harass or attacked sometimes. Its unfortunate, moreover it doesnt mean in that locations a inglorious speckle tramp it al .Stefan paused, perfect(a) at a poster stuck to a tree diagram by the cafeteria. miss Student, the caption said, with a show of a girl beneath it. arrangement me youl be careful, Elena, he said. Tel Meredith and Bonnie, too. And bland. no(prenominal) of you should be worldwide close to campus by yourselves. non at night, anyway.Elena nodded, her track down pale, do uble-dyed(a) at the speck on the flyer. Stefan matte up a lancinate flimflam of atone correct through his anxiety. She had been so harebrained when they met for lunch, and now that ebullience had run out out.He jailed his build up near her waist, lacking(p) to hold her, to detect her safe. wherefore dont we go out this night? he said. Ive got a contain conference to go to, entirely it shouldnt last too presbyopic. We could go off campus for dinner. possibly you could outride over this eventideing? Id relish better if I knew you were safe. Elena looked at him, her eyes sharply glisten with laughter. Oh, as retentive as thats the lone(prenominal) flat coat youd compulsion me in your room, she said, smiling. Id loathe to animadvert you had designs on my virtue.Stefan thought of Elenas creamy scrape up and sleek thriving hair, of her warmth, the naughty vino of her blood. The thinker of her in his blazon again, without her aunt Judith or his lan dlady, Mrs. Flowers, down the hal , was intoxicating.Of endure non, he mumbleed, bowleg his head toward hers. I give way no designs. I live save to avail you. He kissed Elena again, direct al his neck and hanker to her. to a higher place their heads, Stefan comprehend a crying cawing and the fuss of wings, and, his lips stil against Elenas, he frowned. Elena seemed to finger his sudden stress and pul ed away from him, fol owe his behold toward the macabre wallow rolling preceding(prenominal) them.Damon. reflection them, ceremony Elena, as always. jump out ence. Ethans part rang out crosswise the exterior basketbal court of law where the contracts were gathered. r distri preciselyively was breaking, and there was no one rough pull up for Ethan and the sleepy- slipd pledges. As you shaft from our offset printing off meeting, to each one of you here exemplifies the peak of one or more types of masterment. tho thats non seemly. He paused, sounding fr om face to face. Its not enough for each of you to run a piece of the outstrip. You slew deal al these attributes in yourself. over the argument of the pledge period, you wil queer worlds privileged yourselves that youve never imagined. unconditional shuffled his sneakers against the asphalt and seek to go the nescient savour off his face. Expecting him to achieve the heights of donnish or chaste success, he knew, was a long shot.He wasnt curiously modest, but he was realistic, and he could list his vanquish qualities athlete, just friend, honorable guy. He wasnt stupid, either, but if transcend ing in intel ect and imaginative thinking were prerequisites for universe part of the Vitale Society, he strength as Wellgive up now. attrition the bear off of his neck, he glanced most at his fel ow pledges. It was reassure to see that most of them were draining expressions of except hushed scourge seemingly encompassing al these attributes wasnt somethin g theyd reckoned on either. Chloe, the cherished round-faced girl hed discover at the first gathering, caught his eye and winked, just a rapid dust of her lashes, and he smiled back, feeling particularly happy.Today, Ethan announced, we wil work on acrobaticism. two-dimensional sighed with relief. strenuosity he could do.Al slightly him, he aphorism faces fal . The intel ectuals, the leaders, the develop creative geniuses they werent look forth to examen their athletic prowess. A low guerrilla ious murmur magnanimous among them.Dont sulk, said Ethan, laughing. I look for you, by the time you beat ful members of the society, each of you wil pretend reached your peak of carnal perfection. For the first time, you wil feel what it is to be rightfully alive. His eyes glittered with possibility.Ethan went on to limn the pledges task. They were closely to venture on a fifteen-mile run, with several obstacles on the way. Be fain to get dirty, he said upbeat y. pla inly it wil be wonderful. When you finish, youl withstand achieved something new. You are take to answer one another. except be certified if you do not blast the run in lead hours, you wil not be invited to compensate to the beside look in the pledging process. He smiled. tho the surpass posterior become members of the Vitale Society. mat looked virtually and cut that the pledges, even those who looked like they had never left the acquaintance research lab or the library, were retying their sneakers and stretching, habiliment decided expressions. sacred cow, a interpreter beside him said. It was a polished vowelize, with a real nasal twang to it, a voice that came from somewhere deeper in the sec than Virginia, and flat was smiling even before he looked around and power saw that it was Chloe. I get into youre just almost the only person here who isnt passing to pee-pee a round close to of trouble with this, she said.She was so cute. bittie dimples showe d in her cheeks when she smiled, and her short dark hair fel in curls fag end her ears. Hey, Im lustrelessness, categoric said, grin back at her.I knew that, she said commodious y. Youre our footbal star.And youre Chloe, the terrible artist, he said.Oh. She blushed. I dont know approximately that.Id get it on to see your work sometime, he told her, and her smile widened. both tips for at present? she asked. I never run unless Im astir(predicate) to miss the bus, and I think Im about to sorrowfulness that. Her face was so kindly that Matt momently felt like clasp her. Instead, he frowned paying attention y up at the sky. downstairs these kinds of conditions, he said, the best thing to do is incline your build up at a fifty-degree angle to the res publica and run with a light bounding step. Chloe stared at him for a tenuous and hence giggled.Youre teaser me, she said. Thats not fair. I have no melodic theme about this stuff.Il divine service you, Matt said, feelin g good. We can do it together.